We have over 70 (unreleased) recorded songs, readily available with us. They are of the following categories:-
Romantic Songs - 17 Nos
Item Songs - 8 Nos
Punjabi - Hindi Mix Songs - 2 Nos
Comedy Songs - 9 Nos
Drinking Scene Songs - 2 Nos
Party Songs - 8 Nos
Sufi songs - 1 Nos
Patriotic Songs - 3 Nos
Children Songs - 2 Nos
Sad Songs - 2 Nos
Songs on nature - 3 Nos
Miscellaneous Songs - 18 Nos
These songs will comfortably fit in any Hindi film situation (with or without modification).
Once a listener has selected & approved our songs in general, we have the ability to modify the lyrics and the musical arrangements of the songs, as per the requirement of the films script.
For the demonstration of the above songs, we may be contacted at:-
Mobile: 9767937046 and 9923700430
Email: shivdattpant@gmail.com and musicandlyrics.in@gmail.com